Your corporate financial adviser, working to future proof your assets

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How we can help
Pareto takes a holistic approach to financial planning. We specialise in offering a complete service, from securing business protection to managing company pension schemes. We take the burden away from you, allowing you to get on with running your business.

We look at the big picture and take a long-term view

We have a wealth of experience as business financial advisors, with specialist expertise across a range of services. What sets Pareto apart is that we don’t hone in on specific service areas, preferring to look at the big picture and take a long-term view.

Dedicated advisers to review & revisit your goals

What sets Pareto apart is our commitment to continually review plans and schemes to ensure our clients are receiving the most appropriate service or cover. Our investment in our dedicated employee benefits team ensures we can continue to be proactive and support our clients.

We conduct a robust advice process

We will work collaboratively alongside your professional advisers, including your accountant and bank, to ensure all parties are working in your best interest and helping your business grow. We assess all your requirements, before delivering the most appropriate advice.

We provide clear and honest advice

Your adviser will help bridge the gap between your personal and business objectives by providing straightforward, clear and honest advice. We ensure plans reflect your changing needs and priorities as well as changes in legislation or the economy.

Our services

How can we help you?

The operational demands of running a business can be all-consuming, but it’s vital that business leaders take the time needed to assess their organisations business risk and succession planning. It is after all usually their biggest asset.

Why have financial advice

How much is protecting your biggest asset worth?

Our advisers work with business leaders and look at the bigger picture. The real value comes from us knowing and understanding your goals and dreams, so we can provide advice that matters for the things you care about.

The benefits of financial advice:

  • Your adviser will help bridge the gap between your personal and business objectives.
  • We work collaboratively alongside your professional advisers, including your accountant and bank, to ensure all parties are working collaboratively and helping your business grow.
  • We specialise in offering a complete service, from securing business protection to managing company pension schemes. We take the burden away from you, allowing you to get on with running your business.
  • Your dedicated adviser will work alongside you and help plan your exit strategy, including understanding ‘how much is enough’ when selling your business.
Meet our people
Our advice process

All Matters Financial Podcast

Our All Matters Financial podcast is a series of podcasts where we untangle the complexities of financial planning. We believe that financial literacy is the key to unlocking your financial potential, and our aim is to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed choices.

What our clients say

Having worked with the team at Pareto for over 15 years I have nothing but praise for the professional service and support they have given our company in managing the range of employee benefits we provide. The combination of friendly knowledgeable staff, and commitment to go the extra mile without question is something that is to be admired and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

John RobinsonBegbies Traynor Group

Alan Makinson advises us on our pension scheme and life Insurance. Alan could not be been more helpful and is more than happy to answer any questions we have. The service is outstanding and whenever we need to contact Alan the customer service is exceptional. Our Auto-enrolment process runs seamlessly from month to month.

Nichols Plc

I have used Pareto for both my personal and work investments and pensions for a number of years now. Dealing with Stuart has been great, his knowledge and experience have been invaluable in all area's of this often tricky to understand area. Would highly recommend Pareto and Stuart to anyone looking to cut through the jargon and get really solid, professional advice.

John PrattJP & Brimelow

I have worked with Marcus for several years now. He is great with clients and provides excellent pragmatic advice. He is happy to work in collaboration with other advisers to ensure that our mutual clients get the best possible advice.

James BeresfordBLM
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