Financial Wellbeing

The knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage your finances

The knowledge to help you make important financial decisions

Financial knowledge and decision-making skills help people weigh options and make informed choices for their financial situation. Deciding how and when to save and spend, comparing costs before a big purchase, and planning for retirement or other long-term savings are all especially important in today’s economic climate.

Managing your money well can achieve financial wellbeing which can affect physical, mental and social health so it is important to address your financial concerns.

Financial Health

Good financial health isn’t just about savings, it’s about spending wisely.

See our financial education topics below for further information and resources.


Types of Saving


Your Money


What you need to know


For Emergencies


Future Planning


Financial Scams

Why is financial wellbeing important?

Financial wellbeing is about having a good relationship with your money. It’s about making the most of your money from day to day and being secure enough to handle both expected and unexpected expenses.

Financial stress can have a knock-on effect on mental health, relationship breakdowns and physical health and is now more important than ever in light of the rising cost of living crisis.

Our financial wellbeing offering

Pareto Financial Planning provides a range of tailored financial wellbeing sessions to our strategic partners and clients. These sessions are designed to equip employees with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their financial health. By offering these sessions, we aim to empower individuals to take control of their finances and make choices that support their overall wellbeing. 

Debt Worries?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation seek help. There are a number of charities and organisations that offer free independent advice which can help ease anxiety and help you get back on track.