Life’s complicated. Getting life
insurance shouldn’t be

Significant life changes, such as getting married, having a baby and buying a property, are key times to consider protecting your family’s future. Life insurance assures that your loved ones won’t face financial stress in your absence and this peace of mind is not confined to those earning an income.

Even if you’re not currently working, for instance, if you’ve taken a career break to raise children, your demise could impose unexpected costs such as childcare on the surviving partner. A life insurance payout could alleviate these expenses.


The government does provide some benefits like Bereavement Support when a family member passes away. This is only for when a partner dies and the eligibility requirements are that you must have been under State pension age, living in the UK and married to your partner, in a civil partnership with them, or living with them as if you were married. However, these benefits typically fall short of covering living costs. Moreover, even if you have a Will to financially support your family posthumously, the estate distribution process can be time-consuming. A life insurance payout can cover interim expenses or contribute towards funeral costs, easing the strain during an emotionally challenging time.

There are scenarios where life insurance may not be necessary. For instance, if you’re single with no financial dependents or your partner earns enough to support your family without your income. However, remember that a life insurance payout could still be beneficial by allowing your partner to take time off work to grieve. Additionally, you can purchase life insurance at lower premium levels the younger you are and while you are in good health.


Choosing the right life insurance policy necessitates understanding the types available and how they align with your circumstances. Often paired with a mortgage, term life insurance is a popular choice. It provides coverage for a specific term and only pays out if you die within the agreed period. There’s no lump sum or refund if you outlive the term.

On the other hand, whole of life insurance covers you for your entire life, provided you keep up with the monthly premiums. The guarantee of a payout makes these premiums higher than a fixed term insurance policy.

Life insurance typically only pays out in the event of death, but some policies offer a terminal benefit, paying out early if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness. Some insurers also provide integrated critical illness cover for slightly higher premiums.

It’s important to note that most life insurance policies exclude certain causes of death, such as those resulting from drug or alcohol abuse. If you’ve been diagnosed with a severe illness, a basic life insurance policy may also exclude causes of death related to this illness. Therefore, we can advise and help you scrutinise your contract terms carefully to understand what is and isn’t covered.


Please contact us to learn more about life insurance and find the right policy for your needs. We are here to assist you in making an informed decision that best suits your individual circumstances.

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Pareto Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).