Our weekly coffee break came about following on from a Cultures & Values Committee meeting, where there were discussions on ways to improve the culture within the workplace. We wanted to increase morale, and to get people excited towards something – no matter how big or small. It is also a great way for colleagues to come together regularly.
This originally started off during the Stress-Awareness month, where a day was chosen for healthy snacks to be available for people to enjoy, whilst getting a break from their work.
Once we saw how much people enjoyed this, Jaisal Parmar came up with the idea of making it a weekly occurrence. A 15-minute break where everyone in the office takes a step away from their work. They would come together in the kitchen area to have a catch up with their colleagues, whilst enjoying the treats laid out on the tables.
The treats vary week by week but usually have the classic sweet and savoury options, and always trying to cover everyone’s dietary needs, ensuring everyone can find a way to enjoy it.
Speaking to friends and colleagues, Jaisal Parmar received really positive feedback about how people loved the atmosphere in the kitchen – having come back to their work feeling refreshed.
We can say on behalf of the committee that this has been a great idea and we look forward to coming up with more ideas to improve the culture within the company.
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