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In January, Pareto employees voted in their 2023 Charity of the Year.

It was a close race with some very worthy charities nominated by colleagues, but the vote was cast and Centrepoint was chosen.

Centrepoint is a homeless charity for young people that provides accommodation, health support and life skills to over 14,000 young people every year. They have been supporting homeless young people for over 50 years. Not only being with them in their current time of need, but getting them back into education, training and employment, to lay a foundation for their future.

Youth homelessness runs deeper than sleeping rough on the streets and is becoming an increasingly visible problem in Manchester. The youth are not only spending nights on the street but experiencing complex mental and physical health needs, gang crime, and a lack of access to education, just to name a few. In 2017/18, at least 5,000 young people in Manchester approached their local authority because they were homeless or at risk of homelessness.

A fundraising plan has been created by our Culture & Values Committee which everyone can get involved in whichever way they can. Whether it’s a 170ft Abseil, a dragon boat race, a 10K run, baking, buying raffle tickets; we are delighted to be supporting Centrepoint.

To find out more about Centrepoint and how they could support you or someone you know please visit:

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