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What an amazing turnout at the Great Manchester Run over the weekend. A great effort from everyone who participated, especially everyone from Pareto who took part. As usual our team raised money for our charity of the year, Manchester Mind, raising £1,240 – 24% over our target! And all the months of training beforehand definitely paid off, as their fastest time was 40 minutes!

The money raised will make a real difference to the mental health services provided at Manchester Mind. A breakdown of where the donation money will go can be found below:

  • £10 will cover volunteer costs to run 1 “virtual wellbeing” café session
  • £30 will provide 1 counselling session for a young person in emotional distress
  • £50 will offer 3 advice sessions to people needing help with debt, welfare rights or benefit claims
  • £100 will help deliver 1 online wellbeing workshop for our adult peer support groups
  • £250 will ensure ongoing stock of PPE for our emergency food team, who each week deliver hundreds of freshly cooked meals to vulnerable people at home
  • £500 will supply community allotments with essential tools, seedlings and equipment for the year head

A massive thank you to everyone who helped raise awareness and helped our Great Manchester Run fundraising page rank in the top 10% of fundraisers on the JustGiving site. Anyone still looking to donate to the cause can do so here.

Find out more information on Manchester Mind here.

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